Latest Episodes
दिव्य जीवन (Hindi)
श्री अरविंद इंटीग्रल लाइफ सेंटर, सूरत में दी गई इस वार्ता में हम दिव्य जीवन के मार्ग के विषय में चर्चा करते हैं।
Father of the Nation
In this English reflection we see whom should the Indian nation rightfully regard as the father of the Nation India.
साधना पथ (Hindi)
श्री अरविंद सोसायटी, सूरत में दी गई इस हिन्दी वार्ता में हम साधना के कुछ आयाम देखते हैं।
The Synthesis of Yoga 12: Overview and Conclusions
This is an overview and conclusion of the series on The Synthesis of Yoga.
Receiving and Expending Energy
There is a material view of life that is much in vogue today. This is so because we have lost that other sight, entrenched...
Integral Yoga Retreat at Sri Aurobindo Dham
n this English webinar with participants of the Integral Yoga Retreat at Sri Aurobindo Dham, Karnataka, we take up questions related to the Yoga...