AuroMaa Daily
714 episodes
Subscribe to listen to talks on Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and...

Alok Pandey & Narad on Savitri & Yoga
44 episodes
Conversations between Dr Alok Pandey and Narad (Richard Eggenberger). Twenty-one conversations from...

Alok Pandey on Savitri in Hindi
86 episodes
Alok Pandey on Savitri in Hindi

Reflections on Prayers and Meditations
134 episodes
A series of reflections by Dr Alok Pandey on the Mother's Prayers...

Reflections on Sri Aurobindo’s Poetry
70 episodes
This podcast includes two series of talks by Dr. Alok Pandey. The...

Reflections on Yoga (English)
50 episodes
Dr Alok Pandey reflects upon different aspects of life and existence from...

Reflections on Yoga (Hindi)
142 episodes
Dr Alok Pandey reflects upon different aspects of life and existence from...

Sanatan Dharma
53 episodes
Sanatan Dharma

Satsang in Australia
17 episodes
Seventeen talks by Dr Alok Pandey in Australia stand apart due to...

Savitri Study Classes in Hindi
349 episodes
Savitri Class in Hindi with Alok Pandey

Talks in English
500 episodes
Talks by Alok Pandey in Engish

Talks in Hindi
481 episodes
Talks by Alok Pandey in Hindi

The Mother Plays Organ
62 episodes
61 separate recordings in a chronological order (some with Her messages or...

The Mother Reads Savitri
20 episodes
The Mother Reads Selections from Savitri with Sunil’s music. 385 segments with...

Works of Sri Aurobindo - An Overview
69 episodes
Volume-wise overview of the Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (CWSA) by Dr...

Беседы о йоге
18 episodes
Общение с участниками Всероссийской Ауроконференции (ВАК) и других встреч, включая Алока Пандея,...