Latest Episodes

तपोधनी अश्वपति | सावित्री pp. 24-26 | सावित्री यज्ञ SY 026
[Aswapati, Lord of Tapasya]. A talk by Dr Alok Pandey. We read today a passage from Savitri on pp. 24-26

Essays on the Gita | Q&A on Series 1 Chapters 13-24 | EG 27
A talk by Dr Alok Pandey at Savitri Bhavan, Auroville.

पूर्ण योग के लिए सहायक गुण | श्री मां का योग MY 037 | Dr. Alok Pandey
The Mother's Yoga - Qualities helpful for the Integral Yoga This talk takes up the importance of certain psychological attitudes necessary for the spiritual...

Collected Works of the Mother | CWM 11 Notes on the Way (4)
Today we take up a significant milestone in the Journey of Supramental transformation about the descent of the Superman Consciousness on 01st January 1969....

The Bases of Spiritual Life | TE 612 | Dr. Alok Pandey
A talk by Dr Alok Pandey at the Mother's Flower Garden, Auroville, in March 2025.

सावित्री प्रश्नोत्तर | TH 528 | timecodes in description
This Hindi Q&A session takes up certain lines from Savitri for elaboration touching upon the subject of vegetarianism, the internatal state, law of karma,...