n this English webinar with participants of the Integral Yoga Retreat at Sri Aurobindo Dham, Karnataka, we take up questions related to the Yoga after a brief background on the subject.
The questions were:
1. The Mother’s Yoga in modern life context.
2. Please explain: ‘Death is a process of life’.
3. Aspiration of the soul in mind and vital.
4. Advice to make the best of Spiritual retreat.
This touches upon the difference in intensity of aspiration that some experience when they live in the Ashram. A talk by Dr Alok Pandey.
This is a summary of Chapter 2 "The Status of Knowledge" of 'The Yoga of Integral Knowledge', Part Two of The Synthesis of Yoga...
This talk is a summary of The Synthesis of Yoga, Introduction: 5. The Synthesis of the Systems