Sri Aurobindo’s life is a wonderful example of how yoga can be practiced even in the most hostile environment. We find this most strikingly in ‘Tales of Prison Life’, penned down by Him regarding the trial period. Sri Aurobindo was taken to Alipore prison on the 5th May 1908 and released exactly an year after on the 6th May 1909. But far from recounting it as a tale of woes and misery (even though it was abject misery given the pathetic conditions), instead of showing any hatred and bitterness towards the British, Sri Aurobindo turned the prison house into God’s trysting ground. Today we share, recount and reflect upon a passage or two from this classical piece in prison writings.
This is the first of two talks on CWSA Vol. 32.
This talk is about the various approaches man has taken towards the intended spiritual evolution.
A concluding portion of the Collected Works of the Mother Vol. 3 with Dr Alok Pandey. for audio in MP3 go to