We continue the series on ‘The Life Divine’ written by Sri Aurobindo and take the chapters twenty seven and twenty eight of Book Two.
The questions asked were:
1. Development of the parts of being.
2. How Soul grows through experiences.
3. Can one aspire for a certain kind of next life?
From a series of lectures by Ambalal Balkrishna Purani of Sri Aurobindo Ashram. Recorded in 1962 at the Crescent Moon Ranch, Sedona, Arizona, USA.
An offering for the Aug 15 Darshan Day.Lyrics by Alok Pandey, singer Jyotika Dayal Paust, graphics by R. A.
(SAP46) This is a reading of Sri Aurobindo’s poem, a full text of which is given below. IN THE BATTLE Often, in the slow...