In War and Self-Determination, Sri Aurobindo writes on the sovereignty of nations in the aftermath of the First World War.
Five of the essays making up War and Self-Determination were published in the Arya between 1916 and 1920. In 1920 three of them—“The Passing of War?”, “The Unseen Power” and “Self-Determination”—along with a Foreword and a newly written essay, “The League of Nations”, were published as a book. In later editions the other two Arya essays, “1919” and “After the War”, were added by the editors.
[Preparing for the Divine Work]. This webinar takes up certain prayers of the Mother reflecting a stage of Her preparation for the Divine Work....
This reflection is about the difference between two modes of working of Nature. A talk by Dr Alok Pandey.
Questions and Answers 1The questions were:– The difference between Relics and photographs.– Sleeping problems.– Mind and body.– Few others that are read out before...