A Q&A Session with Dr Alok Pandey.
The questions asked were:
- If there is no concept of hell and heaven as per Gita but there is the description of hell (skanda - 5, adhyaya -26). Do agree with them?
- What happen to people after death and what is the journey of soul?
- Is Aditi and divine mother same?
- How Sri Aurobindo work seating in Pondicherry?
- When someone die does Yamraj come to take you ?
- How to deal with wicked people?
(Man, the despot of contraries) On human state especially the inner contradictions. A talk by Dr Alok Pandey at Ratlam, MP.
(Death, Attachment and Suffering). This is a brief Hindi reflection on suffering due to death and loss. A talk by Dr Alok Pandey.
Why do we still see and encounter the Adverse forces? How can we tackle them? The present talk is based on the Mother’s further...