A talk by Dr Alok Pandey (A New Realization).
"June 14, 1914
It is a veritable work of creation we have to do: to create activities, new modes of being so that this Force, unknown to the earth till today, may manifest in its plenitude. To this travail I am consecrated, O Lord, for this is what Thou wantest of me. But since Thou hast appointed me for this work, Thou must give me the means, that is, the knowledge necessary for its realisation. We shall unite our efforts: the entire individual being will concentrate in a constant call for the knowledge of the mode of manifestation of this Force, and Thou, supreme centre of the being, Thou wilt emanate the Force fully so that it may penetrate, transfigure and overcome all obstacles. It is a pact Thou hast signed with the worlds of individual life. Thou hast made a promise, Thou hast sent into these worlds those who can and that which can fulfil this promise. This now demands Thy integral help so that what has been promised may be realised.
In us must take place the union of the two wills and two currents, so that from their contact may spring forth the illuminating spark.
And since this must be done, this will be done."
Knowledge and Science. A talk by Dr Alok Pandey from the Devabhoomi Bharat cycle in Hindi.
A series of talks by Prof. Mangesh V. Nadkarni on Sri Aurobindo’s Savitri in Pondicherry in 1995.
This takes up the remaining portion of Chapter 25 of Book One of The Life Divine. A talk by Dr Alok Pandey.