Collected Works of the Mother | CWM 03. Conversations of the Mother 1929 – 1931

December 16, 2023 01:04:06
Collected Works of the Mother | CWM 03. Conversations of the Mother 1929 – 1931
AuroMaa Daily
Collected Works of the Mother | CWM 03. Conversations of the Mother 1929 – 1931

Dec 16 2023 | 01:04:06


Show Notes

The Conversations of 1929 are undoubtedly the most widely read talks of the Mother. During that year, the Mother met regularly on Sundays with a small group of disciples in one of their homes, and, after a period of meditation, answered questions raised by them. Most of these questions were asked by an Englishwoman who was living in the Ashram at the time. One of those present noted down the conversations immediately afterwards, and later sent a copy of fifteen of them to Sri Aurobindo, who revised them extensively for publication.

First issued in 1931 under the title Conversations of the Mother, these fifteen conversations have since been reprinted a dozen times, sometimes together with the conversations of 1930-1931, and were entitled Conversations. In 1977 these conversations appeared in Collected Works of the Mother as part of Questions and Answers, Volume 3.

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