भगवान के हृदय में निवास | PMH 16 | June 15, 1914

June 10, 2024 00:53:21
भगवान के हृदय में निवास | PMH 16 | June 15, 1914
AuroMaa Daily
भगवान के हृदय में निवास | PMH 16 | June 15, 1914

Jun 10 2024 | 00:53:21


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This webinar is around some prayers of the Mother in June 1914, mostly the one dated June 15, 1914.

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June 15, 1914 "Lie cradled in my heart and do not worry: what has to be done will be done. And it is just when thou doest it unknowingly that it is done best"... I am in Thy heart, Lord, and nothing can take me away from it. And it is from the unfathomable depths of this heart, in the smiling peace of its beatitude, that I look at all the outer forms of Thy manifestation struggling and endeavouring to understand Thee better, manifest Thee better. If the hour has come, as Thou lettest me know, for the new forms of Thy realisation, these forms will inevitably be born. Something in the being senses it but does not yet know; so it makes an effort to adapt itself, to prove equal to what Thou askest of it. But what is conscious of Thee and lives in Thy force knows that this new form is only an infinitesimal progress in the infinite progression of Thy manifestation, and looks at every form with the serenity of eternal plenitude. And in this serenity is the very omnipotence of realisation. One must know how to soar in an immutable confidence; in the sure flight is perfect knowledge.

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