About Savitri: The Mother's Commentary | B1C1-03 The Birth of Aspiration

March 06, 2024 00:09:44
About Savitri: The Mother's Commentary | B1C1-03 The Birth of Aspiration
AuroMaa Daily
About Savitri: The Mother's Commentary | B1C1-03 The Birth of Aspiration

Mar 06 2024 | 00:09:44


Show Notes

It is the very beginning of the aspiration waking up in the Inconscient to return to its conscious Origin.

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Episode Transcript

The impassive skies were neutral, empty, still. Then something in the inscrutable darkness stirred; A nameless movement, an unthought Idea Insistent, dissatisfied, without an aim, Something that wished but knew not how to be, Teased the Inconscient to wake Ignorance. It is the description — a very wonderful description — of the beginning of Aspiration: how in the Nothingness, in the Inconscient, stirred the first movement of Aspiration. There was no mind, so it did not think. Even the vital was not organised, so it did not know how to be. But, It stirred slowly to wake up the Inconscient towards something — without knowing what it was. It is the first vibration that preceded even form, the first beginning of Aspiration towards the possibility of knowing. A throe that came and left a quivering trace, Gave room for an old tired want unfilled, At peace in its subconscient moonless cave To raise its head and look for absent light, Straining closed eyes of vanished memory, Like one who searches for a bygone self And only meets the corpse of his desire. This is still the description of the world created by division and becoming conscious. It is to say that its Origin being the perfect Truth-Consciousness, in spite of its division, in spite of its obscurity, it still contains the seed of its Consciousness and something like “the want” to return to It. It was as though even in this Nought’s profound, Even in this ultimate dissolution’s core There lurked an unremembering entity, Survivor of a slain and buried past Condemned to resume the effort and the pang, Reviving in another frustrate world. The Origin of Light and Consciousness which it carried in itself could not die — because it is the essence seed, the very essence of Immortality. And that began waking up. An unshaped consciousness desired light And a blank prescience yearned towards distant change. It is the very beginning of the aspiration waking up in the Inconscient to return to its conscious Origin. It is the starting-point, the first movement of evolution, — the evolution that is the turning back of the Inconscient to return to go back to the full Consciousness.

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